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International Conference

  1. Shengzhe Jiao, Yihong Zhang, Yuanyuan Wang, Shingo Mabu, Haoyang Xia, Takahiro Hara, "Multi-modal Contrastive Learning for Medical Image Classification with Limited Training Data," Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA), December 2024.
  2. Reon Uemura, Daichi Amagata, Takahiro Hara, "An Efficient Framework for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search on High-dimensional Multi-metric Data," Proceedings of the International Conference on Similarity Search and Applications (SISAP), November 2024.
  3. Daichi Amagata, Junya Yamada, Yuchen Ji, Takahiro Hara, "Efficient Algorithms for Top-k Stabbing Queries on Weighted Interval Data," Proceedings of International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA), August 2024.
  4. Ryo Shirai, Ryo Imai, Sengpei Liew, Daichi Amagata, Tsubasa Takahashi, Takahiro Hara, "Estimating Visited Stores through Positive-Unlabeled Learning," Proceedings of International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA), July 2024.
  5. Daichi Amagata, "Independent Range Sampling on Interval Data," Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), pp.449-461, May 2024.
  6. Naoya Yoshimura, Jaime Morales, Takuya Maekawa, Takahiro Hara, "OpenPack: A Large-scale Dataset for Recognizing Packaging Works in IoT-enabled Logistic Environments," Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom), March 2024.
  7. Rikuto Tsubouchi, Takahiro Hara, Kei Yonekawa, Shuichiro Haruta, "Unvisited Out-Of-Town POI Recommendation with Simultaneous Learning of Multiple Regions.," Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData), pp.915-924, December 2023.
  8. Daichi Amagata, Centurion Ramos Julio Alejandro, Ryo Shirai, Takahiro Hara, "Fast Algorithm for Embedded Order Dependency Validation," Proceedings of International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management (SSDBM), pp.17:1-17:4, July 2023.
  9. Shunya Nishio, Daichi Amagata, Takahiro Hara, "Approximate Reverse Top-k Spatial-Keyword Queries," Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM), pp.96-105, July 2023.
  10. Yue Zhao, Yihong Zhang, Daichi Amagata, Takahiro Hara, "POI Recommendation by Learning Short-, Long- and Mid-Term Preferences through GNN," Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM), pp.1-10, July 2023.
  11. Hao Niu, Duc Nguyen, Kei Yonekawa, Mori Kurokawa, Chihiro Ono, Daichi Amagata, Takuya Maekawa, Takahiro Hara, "User-irrelevant Cross-domain Association Analysis for Cross-domain Recommendation with Transfer Learning," Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on Intelligent Cross-Data Analysis and Retrieval (ICDAR), pp.37-45, June 2023.
  12. Zhi Li, Daichi Amagata, Yihong Zhang, Takahiro Hara, Shuichiro Haruta, Kei Yonekawa, Mori Kurokawa, "Semantic Relation Transfer for Non-overlapped Cross-domain Recommendations," The Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD), vol.13937, pp.271-283, May 2023.
  13. Yuki Nishino, Takuya Maekawa, Takahiro Hara, "Detecting Repetitive Human Actions by Neural Networks Trained on Composite Data Only," PerCom International Workshop on Behavior analysis and Recognition for knowledge Discovery (BiRD), March 2023.
  14. Yuchen Ji, Daichi Amagata, Yuya Sasaki, Takahiro Hara, "A Performance Study of One-dimensional Learned Cardinality Estimation.," International Workshop on Design, Optimization, Languages and Analytical Processing of Big Data (DOLAP), March 2023.
  15. Zhi Li, Daichi Amagata, Yihong Zhang, Takahiro Hara, Shuichiro Haruta, Kei Yonekawa, Mori Kurokawa, "Debiasing Graph Transfer Learning via Item Semantic Clustering for Cross-Domain Recommendations.," Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData), pp.762-769, December 2022.
  16. Ryosuke Taniguchi, Daichi Amagata, Takahiro Hara, "Retrieving Top-N Weighted Spatial k-cliques," Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData), pp.4942-4951, December 2022.
  17. Daichi Amagata, "Scalable and Accurate Density-Peaks Clustering on Fully Dynamic Data," Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData), pp.445-454, December 2022.
  18. Ryosuke Taniguchi, Daichi Amagata, Takahiro Hara, "Efficient Retrieval of Top-k Weighted Spatial Triangles," Proceedings of International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA), pp.224-231, April 2022.
  19. Hayato Nakama, Daichi Amagata, Takahiro Hara, "Approximate Top-k Inner Product Join with a Proximity Graph," Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData), pp.4468-4471, December 2021.
  20. Jun Murao, Kei Yonekawa, Mori Kurokawa, Daichi Amagata, Takuya Maekawa, Takahiro Hara, "Concept Drift Detection with Denoising Autoencoder in Incomplete Data," Proceedings of the International Workshop on Ubiquitous and Multi-domain User Modeling (UMUM), November 2021.
  21. Yusuke Arai, Daichi Amagata, Sumio Fujita, Takahiro Hara, "LGTM: A Fast and Accurate kNN Search Algorithm in High-dimensional Spaces," Proceedings of International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA), pp.220-231, September 2021.
  22. Daichi Amagata, Makoto Onizuka, Takahiro Hara, "Fast and Exact Outlier Detection in Metric Spaces: A Proximity Graph-based Approach," Proceedings of ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD), pp.36-48, June 2021.
  23. Daichi Amagata, Takahiro Hara, "Fast Density-Peaks Clustering: Multicore-based Parallelization Approach," Proceedings of ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD), pp.49-61, June 2021.

Domestic Conference

  1. Qingxin Xia, Takuya Maekawa, "Research on Sensor Data Processing Methods for Recognizing and Understanding Factory Work Activities," 情報処理学会 ユビキタスコンピューティングシステム研究会 (UBI), 2022年4月.


  1. Daichi Amagata, "Distinguished Reviewer," Proceedings of International Conference on Very Large Data Bases , 2023年8月.
  2. Yusuke Arai, Daichi Amagata, Sumio Fujita, Takahiro Hara, "DEXA2021 Best Paper Award," Proceedings of International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications , 2021年10月.
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